One computer lab in Pomona High insufficient. Juniors need the computer lab in order for them to register for the SAT or ACT tests and seniors need it so they can do their college applications. If juniors do not register for either test many will not be able to apply to a college. Since both junior and senior AVID classes are held during the same period usually one class interrupts the other class. As a student of Pomona High I have experienced my junior AVID class disturb the senior class in the computer lab. At that moment I felt bad knowing the seniors were in the computer lab doing something important as we were going to do as well, tension goes through us because we do not have enough computers.
Another issue that can be addressed to improve the school is updating the computers with Microsoft 2010 version. Since most computers at school have an older version of Microsoft 2003. As a result students, who save work on Microsoft 2010 at home, do not have the ability to open their work at Pomona High. While for students work to open in the teachers’ computer the student must save his or her work in a different format it takes time away from the student. Also teachers tend to get frustrated at the student when their work does not open it is not the student’s fault, that the school computers do not have the new version of Microsoft word.
A student from Pomona high was asked “Should Pomona High have another computer lab?” She responded “yes they should have another computer lab it helps the students engage on what they are learning and the usage of different variety of resources.” Another question she was asked was “How would having the newer version of Microsoft help the students?” “The new version of Microsoft will help the students work easier with what they are learning.” Students need a computer lab and updated programs it benefits them in their academics. If money is an issue the school should waste the money in stuff that is necessary. For example the school put fences in our school which there is no point, instead they could of gotten more computers or do another computer lab.
By having better technology at Pomona high school the students have the opportunity to have another computer lab and better versions of Microsoft programs. Having both the computer lab and Microsoft programs benefit the students a lot, the school should realize our school needs another computer lab in order to stop interruptions between classes. Better Microsoft program as well so the students will have no problem in opening their work at school. If money is an issue we understand but they need to waste their money in the education of the students.
By: Mirna Hernandez
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